Hi, I’m Katana! I’m happy you’re here! If you’re interested in learning more about my journey to Gemini Smile, you’re on the right page.
It started in October 2018, when I got my very first tooth gem. I stumbled upon a tooth gem booth at a motorcycle show in Vegas and totally fell in love! I’ve always been obsessed with all things that sparkle so this was right up my alley. I was thrilled to have my first gem but unfortunately, it didn’t last long. After only two weeks my crystal fell off and my tooth felt naked. The loss of my crystal ended up being a good thing because it set me on a path to find bling that would stand the test of time. Like a true Gemini, my spontaneous crystal quickly became an obsession and before I knew it I was driving from Utah to LA to become a Certified Tooth Gem Technician. In 2018, I trained one-on-one with Tooth Kandy and Gemini Smile was born!